Vlog Day 1 of 7 Pennsylvania Trip and PlayStation 5 Hunt
Our first day settin’ out towards Pennsylvania to see Notorious B.O.B. We packed up, drove, hunted for Playstation 5’s and enjoyed the beautiful scenery on our route to hit the first challenge of the trip at Chef’s Pizzeria
Annamarie's Place Royersford, PA 8AM
Food Challenge that Notorious Bob will be attendin’ as well to see Tosha and I off on our way back to Memphis TN
Shady Maple Smorgasbord 9AM
Come join Tosha, Notorious B.O.B. with a giant breakfast spread at the meet, greet and eat!!!!!
Infinito's Pizza Buffet Phoenixville, PA 6PM
I am Goin’ to have a meet, greet and eat with Tosha, Notorious B.O.B. and whomever wants to join us. Come up and have some food and fun!!!
The Coffee Station Morton, PA start time 8:30AM
My friend Notorious B.O.B. had done this Morton Monster challenge and I am on the way to see him for this PA trip so what way best to get a free breakfast if I can complete it. If you come to watch I will be there until 10:30AM to chat
Livestream in Philadelphia, PA 9PM EST) (1 hour earlier than usual CST time)
We will be midway through our trip and hunkerin’ down in Philadelphia area and wanted to go live to chat with the Disposal Team!!!! Hope top see you there for trip updates, questions/answers and for some laughs!!!
Chef's Pizzeria 6:30PM planned start time
10LB Team Pizza and my favorite team partner Tosha. We will both get a free meal and share $100 cash if completed in an hour. Plan on startin’ at 6:30PM and will stay an hour after to chat if you show up